How seed looks and how good it smells has little to do with how well it will grow. While most lawn care providers want you to believe that seed quality is not as important as having the right equipment and knowing what you are doing, both experienced lawn care professionals and research have shown otherwise. In fact, a well known university recently released results of a study on the effects of high quality vs low quality grass seed.
The results were very clear – overseeded cool season grasses fertilized with poor turfgrass species produced poor or no response compared to plants fertilized with higher quality turfgrass species. This finding can be easily explained by considering just one thing – nitrogen fertility. you would expect that poor quality seed wouldn't have as much nitrogen, but it does have the same amount of nitrogen as high quality seed. However, of the total amount of nitrogen in poor seed, a higher proportion is unavailable to the plant because it has been tightly bound by proteins in the seed coat. As a result, when you fertilize an overseeded lawn with low-quality grass, 20% or less of the fertilizer applied may be available for uptake by the new plants (the other 80% being locked into poor quality protein molecules). Nodulation and extensive root development are also delayed or stunted in plants established from seeds containing damaged embryos.
"It is my opinion that Professional Lawn Care Operations should only use highest quality seed available says Alpine Lawn care and landscaping in Virginia. We have noticed a huge difference in the quality of seed when we change suppliers. This year we purchased some grass seed from a store that sells to Professional Lawn Care companies as well. The color was not as green, the size and shape of the seed were smaller and did not contain as many viable seeds per pound compared to other varieties or even last years crop from another company."
We only use high quality professional lawn care grade grass seed for overseeding here at Alpine Landscapes. We can see a huge difference in colour between lawns with high and low quality "lawn" seed!
If you are now interested in using Professional Grass Seed for Overseeding, then you should get more information before purchasing all your supplies and starting your project.
To learn more about our lawn care services in Virginia, contact Alpine Lawn Care VA today! Call 757-276-9166 or visit
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